Exporting Raw Data

Survey data may be downloaded at any stage in SPSS, Excel, or .csv format. Additionally, basic tables and charts can be downloaded using the Quick Report feature.

Downloading Raw Data

  • Click on the Manage Data tab
  • Select the questions you want to include in the download (click on a question in the available Questions Panel to move it to the Selected Questions panel - and vice versa to unselect)
  • Choose the required download options, including date range, records to include (e.g. completes, not finished, exclusions, quota full screen outs), and format of export.
  • Click on Download
  • A link to the zipped data file will be emailed to your registered email address – simply click on the download link in the email message and double-click on the file to open it.

Note: If you are exporting a sub-set of questions and are likely to need to export that same sub-set at a later date, the Control Panel enables you to save an export definition.